
  • Improved the styling on the "Create Run" screen
  • CMS - Added the ability to either capture the content in the editor or upload a file and display the file in the editor prior to saving the content entity.
  • CMS - Improved "Customer Detail" efficiency by changing the wording for several items to make it easier to understand. 
  • Improved the efficiency of the "Run Template/Template Source" screen by making it easier to understand and use.
  • Improved the design of the "Email Template" screen, the source is now a toggle and we've removed duplicate settings.
  • Added a new menu item called <b>"CMS"</b>, users can now view the linked CMS entities of the specific "Run Template/Template" and navigate to CMS to manage the linked entities.


  • Fixed a bug where a user couldn't save a "CMS Entity"
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to login when "2FA (Two Factor Authentication)" was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Process" button stayed disabled when the required files were uploaded.
  • Fixed a bug where all "Customers" were not being listed.
  • Fixed a bug where all "Pre-Processors" were not being listed and where "Enable Pre-Processor" appeared as disabled when a Pre-Processor was enabled.
  • Viewer - Fixed a bug where users were unable to login when "2FA (Two Factor Authentication)" was enabled.