Please ensure you fill in the correct environment (Production, UAT, DEV) and add the correct date. Also, don't leave the title here, add it as the actual article title. In this case, it would replace "How to write release notes".
- CMS:
- Improved validation checks:
- Prevented inputs auto opening dropdown causing confusion.
- Inputs now select the first customer if the user only has access to one
- Force user to select a customer if no customer is selected.
- When linking entities to a run template, the linked entities now appear at the top.
- Entity preview now supports SVG files and will display SVG images.
- Entity preview now scales image previews better and fit them to the window size.
- Entity preview now supports Video and Audio previews with playback.
- Improved the styling of the dialogue box that opens after creating a new CMS entity.
- Added the ability for only System Administrators to publish global CMS entities
- Improved validation checks:
- CMS:
- Fixed the CMS entity preview not displaying correctly when updating the entity and when creating a new entity.
- Fixed a bug where after creating a new entity and selecting NO in the create another entity dialogue resulted in a blank screen.
- Fixed a bug where after creating a new entity and selecting YES in the create another entity dialogue resulted in the form fields not being reset.
- Changed the CMS notes from an input to an Text Area.
- Templates:
- Fixed a bug on Templates where the screen breaks when a Template had a null exportTemplate object (where the HTML expected an object).
- Fixed a bug where you could not update the template source on existing templates.